2020年3月21日 星期六

多謝各位參與 Uber 復活彩蛋大挑戰,遊戲已經圓滿結束喇!喺度恭喜各位得獎者,我哋已經電郵通知咗你領獎㗎喇!多謝大家積極參與遊戲,希望大家收到禮物會開心啦!

Thanks to all participants for your eager participation. To reward your hard work, we completed a challenge of our own– checking on all unlocked eggs and completed rides, and contacting the winners by email! To our lucky winners, we extend a big ‘Congratulations!’ and hope you enjoy your travel vouchers and ride discounts.

Let’s also give a round of applause to our most popular Easter eggs! Mystery Egg, which was revealed through email, was unlocked by the highest number of participants. That’s a good reminder for everyone to check your emails regularly, where we send you the latest offers and updates. Flash Egg and Rating Egg were close second and third place, so remember to choose among Uber’s unique options to make riding even more convenient!

We’re so grateful for your support, and can’t wait to share even more exciting things with you soon. Remember to stay updated by following us on all of our socials! #UberOn -
多謝各位參與 Uber 復活彩蛋大挑戰,遊戲已經圓滿結束喇!喺度恭喜各位得獎者,我哋已經電郵通知咗你領獎㗎喇!多謝大家積極參與遊戲,希望大家收到禮物會開心啦!
同時亦都要俾啲掌聲最受歡迎嘅彩蛋大使!最多乘客成功解鎖嘅彩蛋就係「神秘彩蛋」喇,大家平時記得 check email 啊,有咩新優惠同動態都會透過電郵通知你,點可以錯過呢? 之後就係分別係「Flash 彩蛋」同「星星彩蛋」!記得選擇最適合你嘅產品,用埋 Uber App 獨有嘅功能,以後搭車就更方便!
我哋好開心得到你哋嘅支持,之後會有更多更正嘅嘢同大家分享!記得留意我哋 Facebook 同IG 喇!#UberOn #uber復活彩蛋大挑戰
You got some good shots here! I mean I liked them specifically recent ones more

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